Size Charts

On this page you will find all Size Charts for all of our hoof boot models. These are intended as guides, as many factors influence the fit of hoof boots.

Cavallo Trek, Simple, Sport and Entry Level Boot (ELB)

This size chart refers to the Cavallo Trek, Cavallo Simple, Cavallo Sport, Cavallo Entry Level Boot (ELB) and Transport Air models.


Cavallo Big Foot Boot (BFB)

This size chart refers to the Cavallo Big Foot Boot (BFB) model.


Cavallo Cute Little Boot (CLB)

These size charts refer to the Cavallo Cute Little Boot CLB SLIM & REGULAR.


You can purchase Cavallo Hoof Boots HERE.

Easyboot Glove

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Glove Back Country 2016, Easyboot Glove 2016, Easyboot Glove SOFT, and Glove Shell Glue-on models.


Easyboot Old Mac G2, New Mac and Trail

This size chart refers to the Old Mac G2, New Mac and Trail models.


Easyboot Epic

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Epic model.


Easyboot Boa and Cloud

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Boa (discontinued) and Easyboot Cloud model.


Easyboot Transition (discontinued)

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Transition model.


Easyboot Soaker (discontinued)

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Soaker model.


Easyboot RX (discontinued)

This size chart refers to the Easyboot RX model.


Easyboot RX2

This size chart refers to the Easyboot RX2 Hoof Therapy Boot.


Easyboot Mini

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Mini model.


Easyboot Fury

This size chart refers to the Easyboot Fury model.


Easyboot Sneaker Regular


Easyboot Sneaker Narrow




You can purchase the Easycare Hoof Boots HERE

Equine Fusion

This size chart refers to all Equine Fusion models.

Please note: the All Terrain Ultra & Ultra are only available in sizes 10 to 16 (Regular and Slim) and not in the smaller sizes.

We suggest knocking 5mm off both the width and length on the size chart, when sizing hooves for the Trekking model, as they come up smaller than the other Equine Fusion models. So, for example, the suggested hoof size for a size 13 Regular in the Trekking would be a maximum hoof width of 125mm and a maximum hoof length of 130mm. 



Equine Fusion Recovery


updated 17/02/21

You can purchase Equine Fusion Hoof Boots HERE.

Evo Boot

Please note: when sizing, the hoof width should be inside the range given and as close as possible to the maximum width (the 2nd number), and the length should not exceed the maximum length given (the 2nd number).


You can purchase EVO Boot Hoof Boots HERE.

Explora Boots

*please note, the sizing guide is just a guide. It is essential to have a snug fit if the Explora boot is to be successful. Our Explora Fit Kit is an ideal tool to determine the size or suitability of the Explora Magic Hoof Boot. These are hireable on our Explora Fit Kit product page.


You can purchase Explora Boots HERE.

Flex Boot Standard Fit


updated 24/3/22

Flex Boot Wide Fit

Please note: with the new WIDE sizes, we consider them to be more accurately described as SHORT. For example, the 110 WIDE actually has the same width measurement as a 110 STANDARD fit boot, but the length is shorter. This gives the 110 WIDE a more rounded shape.

updated 11/10/23

You can purchase Flex Boot Hoof Boots HERE.

Floating Boot

This size chart refers to the Floating Boot model.

Please note: the Floating Boot is available with various sized Gaiters. Which size you need is dependant on the size of your horses Heel Bulbs. If you are unsure which gaiter size you may need, we recommend getting in touch.


Size chart updated 8/3/24

Floating Boot Mini


Size chart updated 5/7/22

You can purchase Floating Boot Hoof Boots HERE.

Renegade Classic

When sizing the Classic, allow minimum of 3.5mm between hoof measurement and boot measurement.


Renegade Viper

When sizing for Vipers, you may need to allow approximately 5mm of clearance between the hoof measurement and the boot measurement, sometimes up to 10mm.


You can purchase Renegade Hoof Boots HERE

Hoof-It Poultice Boot


You can purchase the Hoof-it Poultice Boot HERE.

Scoot Boots

These measurements are a guide only. They do not represent the inside dimensions of the Scoot Boot. We recommend hiring our Scoot Boot Fit Kit or Mixed Fit Kit to size boots before purchasing.

You can also hire a fit kit for the Adjust (Enduro)/Theraride.





You can purchase Scoot Boot Hoof Boots HERE.

Swiss Galopper Hoof Boots

This size chart refers to the Swiss Galopper model.


You can purchase Swiss Galopper Hoof Boots HERE.

Tubbease Hoof Sock

Simply measure the widest diameter of your horse’s hoof sole (this might be length or width depending on which is longer) and fit within one of the Tubbease sizes below. The fit of the hoof sock must be as close as possible to the hoof.

Please note: The Tubbease dimensions shown below indicate the maximum internal diameter of the Tubbease cup not the diameter of the hoof.

You can purchase the Tubbease Hoof Sock HERE.

 Woof Wear Medical Boot


You can purchase the Woof Wear Medical Boot HERE.