This is a factory installed, non-removable Insole Gel Pad for Renegade Hoof Boots only.
Please note: these are a Special Order item, as we do not keep padded Renegade hoof boots in stock. Renegades fitted with these pads can take 4-6 weeks to dispatch.
Adding Bonded Insole Gel-Pads to boots makes the boots a customised order, and the order is then non-returnable.
Not usually necessary under normal circumstances.
Will add about 60 grams or 2 ounces to the weight of the boot. Intended for foundered or laminitic horses to help improve movement and thus circulation to promote healing.
The pad is approximately 6mm thick.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This item is a pad for a single boot (two gel pads per boot pair). If ordering more than one pair of Renegade hoof boots, but you are not ordering the same number of gel pads, please e-mail us at, quoting your order number, and specify which boots in your order will be receiving the gel pads.