Red Horse


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Hoof-Stuff plugs deep holes and cracks that leave hooves susceptible to microbial invasion. Active ingredients cleanse and natural fibres create pressure to support and promote healthy, natural tissue growth.

The fibrous, sticky consistency helps Hoof-Stuff stay in place so the active agents can provide lasting support to healthy tissues.

Hoof-Stuff is useful for the protection of white line cracks, central sulcus separation, cavities and grass cracks. For shallower, wider cracks, try Artimud.


Pick out and clean feet if necessary, use Sole Cleanse or salt water to flush any debris from the cavity to be packed. Allow to dry or use wadding to dry as much as possible. Push small sections of Hoof-Stuff deep into the cavity with a hoof pick, avoiding causing sensitivity. It is best not to pack the cavity all the way to the surface and in frog cavities to allow cracks to close in behind it – this helps the packing stay in. We suggest removing the packing after 2 days, if it comes out clean it may be left in longer next time and if it comes out dirty it is best to change it more often. Avoid getting the cavity wet before packing unless it needs to be flushed due to dirt infiltration.


All of the ingredients we use in Hoof-Stuff are naturally occuring and have been chosen either for their active properties or to improve the consistency of the product.

  • Minerals - Powerful but gentle minerals to give an ideal consistency, cleanse the area and support healthy tissues.
  • Honey - With its many amazing active properties and a sticky consistency to help Hoof-Stuff stay in place.
  • Natural fibres - To keep the other ingredients in contact with hoof tissues in cavities and create pressure to support natural tissue growth.


Should I flush the crevice before packing it?

Ideally the first time at least. Allow it to dry well before Hoof-Stuff application as this will help the product stick better.

What should I flush it out with?

We recommend flushing with Sole Cleanse but anything ‘gentle’ will suffice e.g. salt water, dilute vinegar etc. Avoid flushing with iodine, peroxide, bleaches etc. as these may damage otherwise healthy tissues.

How do I know if I am replacing it often enough?

If you remove the pack and it is still bright white and clean then you likely do not need to replace it as often. If it has become discoloured then you should replace it more often. We suggest replacing the packing after 24 hours initially, then altering according to state of the packing.

Should I flush the crevice every time I replace the Hoof-Stuff?

Once the crevice has been flushed it will not be necessary to clean it out again if it does not get dirt in it (i.e. if the Hoof-Stuff is staying in place). Hoof-Stuff will stick better in a dry crevice.

Should I use Hoof-Stuff or Artimud?

Hoof Stuff is generally used where the crevice is deeper and able to retain a fabric based pack. As a general rule deep & narrow = Hoof Stuff, shallow & wide = Artimud.

As a test see if damp cotton wool will pack into the crack, if it will Hoof Stuff will work best, if not opt for Artimud.

Can I use the Hoof-Stuff in an abscess cavity?

Ensure the abscess has finished draining before packing and initially remove the Hoof-Stuff twice a day to ensure no fluid is building up behind it.

Can I use Hoof-Stuff under shoes?

Yes, for example Hoof-Stuff can be packed into a white line crevice and have a shoe applied over the top.

How do I get Hoof-Stuff out of the pot?

Pry fibres out with a hoof pick and lay a number of chunks out on the upturned lid, ready to use.

How can I soften up Hoof-Stuff?

Hoof-Stuff will be harder when cold and softer when warm, over time the honey in it may also crystalise hardening it. Putting it somewhere warm for a long period of time will help soften it again.

Should I wear gloves when using Hoof-Stuff?

From a safety point of view this should not be necessary, but it can be a good way of keeping your hands clean.


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